Cataclysm Is In 100 Days!

Are you ready? Ready for Cataclysm that is! We are just over 100 days until this amazing event. What could be better than fish and friends? will be on hand and presenting not just one talk but two! One talk will share some of the species of catfish we have collected in Colombia while the other talk will try to sort some of the complex groups of catfish known as woodcats.

The event also will host various vendors, a Saturday cookout, raffles and a rare catfish auction. And to celebrate, we are sharing tonight that available in the rare catfish auction will be four first generation Liosomadoras oncinus, the Jaguar Catfish. First generation meaning that the parents were from the wild. This is likely the first time tank raised specimens have been made available ever! Check out the photos below along with this video Be sure to register for this event today at:

F-1 Liosomadoras oncisnus Juvenile
Adult Liosomdoras oncinus male

The Last Days of Spring

Hello everyone! Earlier this week the temperatures were very spring like. We took the time to do some hiking. Photos of some of the areas we visited are below. This is likely the last week for spring like temperatures as summer is finally here. Many of our counterparts in the west are certainly feeling the summer heat with temperatures well over one hundred degrees.

As we move into summer, the hope is that fish events will start up again. The next major event will be the American Cichlid Association (ACA) Convention in Saint Louis. We currently plan to attend so there will be a chance for folks to preorder some fish. Also on the horizon may be the chance to travel outside of the US. We are still a ways away from planning anything but we have our fingers crossed!

Lastly, we want to remind everyone that we will be at Cataclysm in October. We are just over 100 days away from this big event. As a special announcement, I would like to share that we will be offering, likely for the first time ever, F1 Liosomadoras oncinus, the Jaguar Catfish. There will be a total of four fish available as part of the Rare Catfish Auction.  More exciting rare catfish will be announced soon so stay tuned!