We are back from our trip to the Upper Rio Negro. It was a fantastic journey to a very unique place. Most people do not realize that the Upper Rio Negro is quite rocky with areas of sand and sunken trees. To say the area is very remote is an understatement. The only way to get there in a timely manner is to take a flight from Inirida. This is after several flights into Colombia.
Unfortunately, our group had to deal with several days of rain on the first portion of our trip. The area had already received several week’s worth of rain prior to our arrival. As a result, the river was quite high. Despite all of this, we were able to fish for several targets including: Ancistrus, Apistogramma, Biotodoma, Hypancistrus, Nannostomus, Rivulus, Satanoperca, and Tatia. Further complications occurred with getting the fish back to the states including our flight breaking down on our way out of San Felipe, Colombia. This forced the fish to remain an extra day in Inirida instead of forwarding on to Villavicencio. This along with other issues caused the loss of many fish. Ultimately, we only ended up with a fraction of the fish we intended to bring back.
However, we still have all of the memories and images and video of the trip. We will share more details of the trip in time. Right now, we are focusing on getting back into the swing of things here at home including work in our fishroom. Discus breeding season is upon us and one our pairs of discus presently have fry. Fingers crossed the parents can take care of them. Our next event will be the auction in Cinci, the GCAS Spring Auction. See everyone there!