Availability List

Updated March 2025

Next events for pickup include:

GCAS Spring Auction


At this time, we are unable to offer shipping. The best way to purchase our fish is to meet up at a fish event or to make other arrangements. Please contact us with any questions you may have at: jeremybasch@gmail.com.

Cichlid Species Available Common Name Size Price
Apistogramma agassizii F1 Agassiz’s Apisto 3/4″+ $15 ea. 4/$40
Apistogramma cacatuoides F1 Cockatoo Apisto 3/4″+ $8 ea. 8/$40
Apistogramma sp. “Abacaxis” F1 Wilhelm’s Apisto 1/2″+ $100/pr.
Apistogramma sp. “D24” F1 Few D24 1 1/2″+ $8 ea. 6/$40
Apistogamma sp. “D37” F1 Alacarina Type Apisto Spotcheek Apisto, D37 3/4″+ $22 ea. 4/$80
Apistogamma sp. “D39” F1 D39 3/4″+ $22 ea. 4/$80
Apistogramma sp. “Pebas” F1 Few Purple Apisto 3/4″+ 12 ea. 6/$60
Catfish Species Available Common Name Size Price
Duringlanis altae F1 Few Lightning Bolt Woodcat 1 1/2″ $40 each
Hoplisoma (exCorydoras) knaacki F2 Few Knaack’s Cory 1″ Sold Out
Hypancistrus vandragti F1 Few Nano Pleco 1″ Sold Out
Hypancistrus zebra F2 True Zebra Pleco 1″+ $125 each
Hypancistrus zebra F2 Special Offer on Larger Zebras True Zebra Pleco 1 1/2″+ Sold Out
Hypancistrus sp. “L-333” Porto de Moz F-2 Yellow King Tiger Pleco 1″+ $30 ea. 4/$100
Hypancistrus sp. “L-333” Porto de Moz F-2 Yellow King Tiger Pleco 1 1/2″+ Sold Out
Hypancistrus sp. “L411” F3 Monte Dourado Pleco 1 1/2″+ $35 ea.
Livebearing/Killifish Species Available Common Name Size Price
Aphyosemion elberti “N’Tui” Elbert’s Killifish 1″ Sold Out
Micropoecilia wingei Campoma 40 N Class Endler 1″ $12/Trio
Invertebrates Common Name Size Price
Anentome helena Assassin Snails 3/4″+ 12/$10
Live Foods Common Name Size Price
Panagrellus nepenthicola Banana Worm Starter Culture Starter $5
Daphnia moina/magna Daphnia Starter Culture Starter $5